This Victory Feels Foreign in My Own Skin
have you ever looked up at the sky and wondered if there was more to life than what you can see, breathe and feel?
Hema Nookala, 2020/11/16
have you ever looked yourself in the mirror and wondered what it would feel like to live in someone else’s skin?
try as you might, you cannot. you cannot know anyone’s skin but yours.
in your skin, does a life after death dictate the way you live when you are alive?
if not life after death, what dictates the way you live?
is it wealth?
is it power?
is it knowledge?
is it pleasure?
is it love?
is it just living, for the sake of living, because you know note else how to live?
maybe it is your time to realize that to live, is to live for oneself – not for what you gather or amass, but what you create.
your voice creates song in your speech.
your thoughts create new ideas.
your experience charts new waters.
the world has not been completely discovered, there are more paths to walk than those written in the history books.
i oft flip the pages of those who have already achieved and i wonder why my life does not look like theirs.
fact is, my achievement will not look similar to those i read about. i am looking for something that will never exist.
i have to recognize the unrecognizable, in that will be my victory.